Wednesday, January 6, 2010

new year = new resolution?

when it comes to new year.
everyone will brag about new resolution.
unfortunate for me.
every year is the same.
u go to school come back home sweat.
do ur homework.
go to tuition.
came back home then sleep.
repeated for 5 days until the end of the year.
but this year is a special year for me and all for the form 5s.
this is what decide where will we go next.
gotta study hard to get the best result as can.
HOPE PRAY and HARDWORK is what we really need this year!!!
somehow it didnt went well yet for me.
somehow im not use to school like im a lil kid ;(
feels like something wrong or is it im scared of SPM??
im trying to have fun this year coz its gonna be my last year of school as SENIOR!!
respect me underlings!!